Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Easter Has Come and Gone.

So Easter has come and gone.  

And what was my favourite thing about the Easter break?

Was it sleep ins? Family gatherings?  Easter eggs?

In actual fact my favourite thing about the Easter break was the chance to relax and pause my money worries for a few days.....that's the great thing about public holidays and weekends....not having to monitor bank transactions constantly to make sure all debits can be covered, not having to transfer money from this account to that because a payment is going to come out. 

Though copious amounts of chocolate did come a close second!  ;-)

But now the break is over and it is back to the usual money monitoring worries which is ever so draining and exhausting!

Last week I wrote a bit about our struggles to make ends meet, you can check that post out here.

Following on from that post I heard from many of you that you too suffer similar financial difficulties and many of you appreciated a story that you could relate to.

I have been reading a lot in books and on the internet, looking for ways to make money, ways to save money.  Looking for tips and ideas, anything that I can find to help improve our situation.

So I've decided to have a bit of a focus on finances and will be putting together a little series called  'Our Finances Suck' and will write regular posts on what I read and what I learn along the way in the hope that it will not only be of benefit to me but maybe to some of you as well.

I have also lined up a few guest bloggers to write some posts for the series as well....better than just hearing me ramble on right!

Here's hoping we can put an end to our financial worries this year and even move forward in improving our situation!   How else am I going to be able to afford me a castle in France one day!!

I'll try not to make it too boring....I promise....because if we don't laugh along the way we'll probably cry lol !!!!

So stay tuned for part one of 'Our Finances Suck' next week!

What are your biggest financial worries and problems?  
Is there anything you would like to see the 'Our Finances Suck' series include?

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT


  1. Looking forward to the 'Our Finances Suck' series - ours do too!!

    Glad you enjoyed your Easter at least, chocolate always helps doesn't it?! x

    1. Chocolate definitely helps!! Hope the series can help you too!

  2. Our financials are worse than yours.. ner ner ner

  3. I hate money and thinking about it. It gets quite depressing. :(

  4. We've been discussing this very topic in our household, looking forward to your series

    1. Thanks Steph! Hoping it can help people along the way!

  5. I find we live to our means no matter what we are earning - we have been chipping away slowly this last year, so we can go to Europe in August - nothing more has been paid on our mortgage, but, hey, we will have some memroies!!! And did you see you can get a French Chateaux for $400,000 - such a bargain!!!!!!

    1. Hello from #teamIBOT

    2. Oh yes I want me one of those castles!!!!!!
      I think those memories will be priceless and so worth just paying minimum on your mortgage...hope you have a great time!

  6. Looking forward to reading the new series, we definitely need some advice in this area!

    1. Seems we all need a bit of help...it's hard work isn't it!
