Thursday 5 September 2013

A Tribute to Miss 4....

A little tribute to Miss 4 after one monster of a tantrum earlier this week.....

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer be asked to make sandwiches with vegemite and cheese cut into triangles which when delivered to you are met with squeals of disgust as what you really wanted was toast with vegemite and cheese, crusts cut off and each portion to be the exact same size square as the next....

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer be involved in a debate every single time we have to endure putting the harness of your car seat on....

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer have to carry you, and your largest teddy bear, and your drink, and the groceries just because after repeatedly asking if you would walk at the shops to which you responded numerous times that you would walk you have adamantly refused to walk....

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer be asked to get you a drink of milk with milo which I stupidly stirred instead of shaking as per the silent request in your head....

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer be asked to get your blankie and put it on you while you watch tv, only to be met with tears when I apparently put it on the wrong way....seriously is there even a wrong way to a blanket?

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer be told that your favourite food of  yesterday is now on your most hated foods of all times list.....

One day in the not too distant future I will no longer be asked to put your hair into a side pony tail, by which you actually meant two pony tails one on either side, and of course this has to be the day we are running late (well actually that is every day)....

One day in the not too distant future you will no longer want to unlock the flyscreen and the front door all by yourself with total disregard for the fact that you are about to break the key off in the lock and there is no alternate way into the house.....

One day I may look back at all of these things longingly....perhaps even with a tear in my eye at how much I miss them......

But for now.....little by little each take a bit of my sanity, wring it and squash it, throw it down and slowly stomp it firmly into the ground.......aaah Miss 4 you are like no other !!

But I love you with my all my heart 

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