Wednesday 30 October 2013

1 week gone.....and 900g gone !!

So here I am.....1 week gone of Shannan's 8 Week Fast Track Challenge.....and 900 grams gone as well !!

I am surprised at how well I am coping without consuming coke and chocolate which have been daily staples for way too long!  I'll admit that in the first few days chocolate did occupy a lot of my thoughts but I seem to have gotten over that now.

Another adjustment was going shopping, especially on those ever too rare moments that I get to do this alone, and not giving in to old habits of purchasing a donut or a hot chocolate to get me through.  Did you know that Cadbury family blocks were on sale last that's just cruel!!

Although I haven't eaten the exact meals for the week most meals that I had were a bit of an adaptation of meals listed on the challenge.  I have been sticking to a plan of having breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner and so far this is working well and I am not feeling hungry.  I have also gotten into the habit of taking a bottle of water with me everywhere to increase my water intake.

Exercise has been a bit of a downfall with most days being quite smokey as a result of the Blue Mountains fires even though we are some distance away.  So being asthmatic I have avoided outdoor activities.  Being left to indoor activities I never seem to get any done.....I only have a rather crappy exercise bike which spends most of its time transformed into a school uniform hanging device!!  Our lounge room floor area is probably about 1.5m x 1.5m and most of that is covered in lego or barbies!!!!  I need to motivate myself to come up with indoor workouts!

Sunday evening I was able to drag (almost literally) hubby and the girls to the park to complete SS....after much whinging and whining on their behalf we got through it and I managed the following results...

1km time trial - 7.35.6 mins
pushups - 30
squats - 21
burpees - 10
side crunches - hmm forgot to do those!
tricep dips - 24
plank - 1 min (just made it!)
wall squat - 30 seconds

Come the end of the session the girls we already planning the next one!!

So there's week 1....hoping week 2 is even better!

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