Thursday, 10 September 2015

10 on 10 Photography Circle - September

photo thanks to Olympus and Fat Mum Slim

Welcome to this month's 10 on 10 photography circle where a group of us post 10 photos from a day or a couple of days in the month and share them here with a link at the bottom of each each post that will take you all the way around the circle! 

My 10 photos (okay I may have snuck in an extra one or two!!) are from the Olympus Photography workshop held a few weeks ago and hosted by Chantelle of Fat Mum Slim and Rachel of Sesame Ellis.  The workshop was designed to share the passion of photography with our children.  I took Miss 17 along as she had just finished her trial HSC exams and her Design and Technology major work had just been handed in that what better way to celebrate...and also because she is probably the most pleasant in public lol !!!!

The workshop was held at The Grounds Of Alexandria and oh my gosh this place is absolutely amazing!!  I love everything rustic and old so I was in total heaven!  I may have talked about every little bit of the place for hours once I got home!!!

We had such a great mum/daughter day out and we met some amazing people!

Okay enough talking here are the pics (which by the way are unedited and straight off the Olympus om-d e-m10 which send them via wi-fi to my mobile phone at the in love with this camera I may have not wanted to give it back!!!)

The credit for the pics in this collage go to Miss 17.....because a teenager, a camera and an 8gb memory card means a lot of selfies!!!!!  If you want to see her awesome pics from the day you can pop over to the girls blog here.... Sisters United !!

Thanks for taking a peak into my wonderful be sure to follow the circle by visiting the amazing Michelle from Gee You're Brave her photos are always awesome!!


  1. What a lovely way to celebrate with Ms 17! Isn't the Grounds a great spot! And the selfies, they are priceless!x

  2. diana @ dianaphotographyaustralia10 September 2015 at 12:47

    Beautiful photos again this month! I love how you get up close and personal for your shots - just beautiful. Great that you got to spend some special time with your girl. I hope she enjoyed it as much as I know you did! he he. I've yet to work out all the tricks on my new Olympus - plenty of hours on the drive up to the Gold Coast for me to work it all out. At least I hope so. :) x

    1. Miss 17 loved it too Diana! The camera was awesome!! Hope you learn all about yours and it sounds like you'll have some amazing photo opportunities on the Gold Coast!!

  3. Your Miss 17 is gorgeous! I'm sure my daughter would have loved this photo session. Enjoy the selfies time! xx cathy

  4. How completely fabulous. I love the selfies! Sounds and looks like you had the best time. Gorgeous pics.. bet you didn't want to give that camera back! Xx

    1. Thank you Shannon!! We had a great time! That camera...omg I want one!!!

  5. I love both your blog and your daughter's blog. The Grounds are just so stunning it is almost impossible to take bad shot isn't it. Now to decide between the OM-D or the Pen??

    1. Thank you Michelle! The Grounds are amazing!!!! Decisions decisions lol !!

  6. What a wonderful day Veronica. I love The Grounds and I'm so jealous that you got to spend a day there taking photos with Chantelle and Rachael. How gorgeous that you could do it with your daughter too. P.S. That photo with the rainbow light is just divine! x

    1. Thank you Ellen!! And yes the rainbow glad I caught that one!!

  7. I love that we went to the same thing and our photos are so different! I WISH I TOOK THAT RAINBOW SHOT! It's the BEST! It was so great meeting you. Your daughter is stunning and I love how you guys interact. I wish one of us won the camera! Bridie wants one so badly now! #shockme xoxo

    1. Was amazing to meet you too Jen! Wasn't it the best day!!!! I took pics of all the things I wanted to show hubby about the place hehe!! I think Miss 17 is gorgeous too...thank you !!! Looks like you will be asking Santa for a camera for Bridie!!!

  8. What an amazing collection of photos! That location is amazing; I could be happy there for quite awhile, I think. Great shots!

    1. Thank you Jen! So many photo opportunities there....could have stayed the whole day!!

  9. Such gorgeous photos! The rainbow pic and the roses? Devine. Looks like a great place to spend the day. Ha and love the selfies, just beautiful. Xx

  10. Great snaps! This brings back memories. I used to work very close to this spot. We enjoyed a couple of lovely lunches there.

  11. Stunning photos! That camera is awesome isn't it. I was so excited to get mine for my birthday.

  12. What gorgeous photos! I have heard about about this place and it does look amazing! What a fun day out!
